Trinity Lutheran School is an educational mission of Trinity Lutheran Church LCMS with the voting congregation as the final authority for the school's management & maintenance.
Trinity Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, or national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletic and other school administered programs.
Trinity follows a long tradition of Lutheran Schools who provide excellence in education.
Trinity follows a long tradition of Lutheran Schools that provide excellence in education. Trinity uses a Classical approach to education which strives for academic excellence, behavioral discipline, Christian content, and direct instruction methodologies. Classical Education is based on the understanding that a child develops intellectually in different ways at different ages of their life. Therefore, his/her education should correspond to the different stages of his/her intellectual development. All subjects are taught using a variety of textbooks and methods, but teachers strive to teach everything from a Christian viewpoint.
The children participate in daily devotions and thrice-weekly chapel services.
In addition to worshiping God, the children learn respect for God's house, develop positive worship attitudes, and learn hymns and forms of worship.
All K-8 teachers are encouraged to obtain either their State of Wyoming or CCLE certification. In such instances where an LC-MS certified or rostered teacher is not available, the vacant position will be filled with the most suitable replacement. All non-degreed teachers are encouraged to maintain a current Wyoming State Substitute Teacher’s Certificate and will be mentored by a rostered teacher or Administrator.
Bus service is provided to students in Kindergarten through the 8th grade through School District #25. Parents/guardians will contact the bus garage directly at 856-3623 to make arrangements.
Students may also take advantage of services offered by the Riverton Senior Citizen Transportation by calling 856-3546.
See our Dress Code Policies
September to Late May
Registration begins in the spring of each year; contact the school office to inquire.
Tuition information may be obtained by contacting the school office.