Various church member groups and volunteer positions are listed below. Contact information for people listed below can be found in the physical copy of the Church Membership Directory given to all church members, or by contacting the church office.
Contact: Lauren McKiernan
All current Bible Study information can be found here.
Meets at the church on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Director: Lauren McKiernan
Manager: Jennifer Medow
Any interested persons are always welcome. See the entire Committee and meeting info listed here.
Evangelism Chairman: Carl Warren
Trinity Lutheran Church LWML will manage the planning and ask for volunteers from the congregation for putting on the meal.
Meets at the church on Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
Director: Phyllis Zenk
Trinity's Lutheran Women Mission's League is a well-attended group with several meeting times available for convenience.
Click here to visit Trinity's LWML webpage
President: Jan Vogelsang
Trinity Lutheran is blessed to be served by several gifted organists who play for our worship services. Contact the church office if you would like to offer your assistance.
Organists: Susan Tucker, Debbie Larsen, Glorianne Berg
Please contact if you would like to join our calling or texting Prayer Chains, or if you would like to submit a prayer request.
Contact: Jan Vogelsang
The Quilting Group meets every Friday at 9am in the school basement (fellowship hall).
Contact: Kathleen Hatle
Sunday School is every Sunday at 9:30am; more information can be found here.
Superintendent/teacher: Terry Zenk
Other teachers: Carl Warren
The Trinity Youth Group for grades 6th-12th meet when announced.
Youth Ministries Chairman: Ed Steele
Youth Leaders: Christine Steele
The members of our congregation who serve the church by aiding with the order and security of our worship services. Please contact the church office or Head Usher if you would like to volunteer.
Head Usher: Chuck Parmely